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FCA Email Opt-In Form

Join the majority of Foxhall members in receiving official board notifications by email. By going green, you will receive information by email, ahead of US Postal Service mailings, keeping our costs down, and you are helping the environment. 

If you have already submitted an opt-in form, and want to update your email address or add a secondary email address, please fill in the Board contact form and direct it to the Secretary.

Architectural Control Committee Request for Approval

The Foxhall Covenants--as attached to the title of your parcel--require that the Foxhall ACC review and approve proposed development in Foxhall for consistency with the standards in the Foxhall Covenants. Thus, property owners in Foxhall who are planning residential construction and remodeling that affects the outside of a home, a barn, storage buildings, and/or a fence, etc., must submit the plans and information to the ACC. Please use the linked form to begin this process.

© 2023 Foxhall Community Association.

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